Posts tagged natural resources
Fifth Policy Switch: Including Guardi...
Can we all learn to get on with nature before nature learns to get on without us? Existing policies don’t fix our broken relations to nature.
6.1 This One’s Finished, Can We Have a New Planet Please?
A study involving more than 1,360 experts worldwide over four years warned of an “increasing likelihood of nonlinear changes in ecosyste [...]
Third Policy Switch: From Consuming t...
Economic growth is taking us to the cliff edge. Opposing economic growth isn’t turning us around. There’s another way…
Image: Ouroboros Oil on linen 122 x 153 cm by Kathryn Brimblecombe-Fox
4.1 Linear Economics
Four decades ago the economist Kenneth Boulding (1966) wrote about the “reckless, exploitative and violent beha [...]