Posts tagged precycling
How to celebrate the 50th birthday of...
The 8th March 2016 is an important day for everyone concerned about resource consumption and waste issues, including climate change. It’s the 50th anniversary of the solution to these problems being offered by Kenneth Boulding. Boulding’s poetic vision of a future ‘spaceman economy’ on a ‘spaceship Earth’ more than encompassed today’s vision [...]
Third Policy Switch: From Consuming t...
Economic growth is taking us to the cliff edge. Opposing economic growth isn’t turning us around. There’s another way…
Image: Ouroboros Oil on linen 122 x 153 cm by Kathryn Brimblecombe-Fox
4.1 Linear Economics
Four decades ago the economist Kenneth Boulding (1966) wrote about the “reckless, exploitative and violent beha [...]