“There is no delight in owning anything unshared.” Lucius Annaeus Seneca
The winning strategy for the mega-rich is to create a world where wealth can retain meaning.
7.1 Acknowledge The Winners
If economics is a board game where players set out to own more than others then the mega-rich are the world’s winners. The richest 2 [...]
“No matter what political reasons are given for war, the underlying reason is always economic.” A. J. P. Taylor
Economic competitiveness could very simply be turned into a ‘weapon’ for peace.
5.1 Military security can’t be bought
Global military spending in 2008 is estimated at $1464 billion (SIPRI, 2009), an in [...]
Today’s problems can’t be solved with the same habits of thought that cause them. Here is a way for the scale of our ambitions to match the scale of our problems.
Image: Love , oil on linen 100 x 100 cm by Kathryn Brimblecombe-Fox
1.1 Security includes non-military threats
Security in the modern world means far more than [...]
Together the switches define a practical strategy for global security; for a serious attempt at revival of co-operation, ecosystems and prosperity.
Seven Policy Switches for Global Security
Published as ‘advanced research’ by the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme.
Everyone desires a secure life. Yet the secur [...]